Aluminum Silk Screens

Aluminum ready stretched screens .Ready to go. Professional quality


Aluminium silk screen frames are on offer in sizes 12×16, 16×20, 20×24, 23×31 and35x26. The tension on the Swiss mesh is 25 newtons. the mesh has been glued to the frame using kiwo 1000′. Mesh counts range from 15t to 140t.Aluminium ready stretched screens ready to go. Professional quality .
The frame is 24inches x 20″ classified  as an A2size, perfect for A3+ images. the tension on the Swiss mesh is 25 newtons. the mesh has been glued to the frame using kiwo 1000′
Please choose the mesh count you need. here is a list to help you choose. Aluminum  ready stretched screens ready to go. Professional quality .
The frame is 24inches x 20″ classified  as an A2size, perfect for A4+ images. the tension on the Swiss mesh is 25 newtons. the mesh has been glued to the frame using kiwo 1000′
43t white mesh ,the most commonly used mesh count used for printing text and solid prints regarded as a course mesh.
55t white  mesh, used for printing onto light coloured fabrics with finer detail.will hold a half tone dot 36 lines per inch
61t white mesh, top end mesh for water based ink will hold a halftone 41 lines per inch . to print onto most paper textiles wood plastic glass ceramic.
77t yellow mesh fine line work and fine illustrations halftones 50 lines per inch. most solid substrates.
90t yellow mesh this is the common daddy mesh for half tones, 62 lines per inch, basic all round use for most inks onto most substrates, waterbased inks will need a retarder with this mesh. use for under base for dark fabrics.
100t yellow mesh, same as the 90t but finer line work,
120t yellow mesh, same as above even more finer line work.

Aluminum screen printing screens are of a professional grade

We use the highest quality Swiss mesh, and every screen is stretched to perfection. You will not be disappointed.

Our A4 screens are made for printing an A4 design, you can lay a piece of A4 paper inside the screen and still have room around the edges. 

If you’d like anything specifically that we don’t have listed, both in size or mesh count please do let us know as we custom make these frames.

Approximate Internal Printable Frame Measurements:

A5 – 26cm x 16cm

A4 – 34.5cm x 24.5cm

A3 – 45cm x 34cm

A2 – 70cm x 50cm

The A5, A4 and A3 frames are made with 30mm x 20mm Box Section Aluminium Tubing, the A2 uses 40mm x 40mm Aluminium Tubing to increase the stiffness based upon it’s increased size.
Unsure of which mesh count you need?No worries! The higher the ‘T’ number, the greater the number of mesh lines per cm and therefore the finer the mesh.

32t – Printing on fabric. Great for letting more ink through the screen. We use it a lot for lighter inks on darker fabrics.

43t – Printing on fabric. The most commonly used mesh count. Start here.

55t – Printing on fabric. There aren’t a lot of jobs you can’t do on 43t, but when you have a little finer detail, 55t is great.

77t – Printing on fabric, card and paper. Finer detail designs.

90t – Printing on paper, card and occasionally fabric. Detail.

120t – Printing on paper, card and occasionally fabric. Super fine detail.

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