Pre Coated Screens Stencils

Pre coated aluminium screens & sunlight stencil sheets.

Pre-coated aluminium screens with Sunlight emulsion,specially formulated to expose in sunlight. Ready for you to expose your design/artwork onto the mesh. The exposure times are exactly the same as the sunlight stencils, blue 4 minutes, red 30 seconds in the sun and the sunlight led exposure unit. no coating trough, no emulsion,no chemicals, just sunlight and tap water.
Our Sunlight coated screens can be stored up to 12 months un opened from its UV protected bag. ALL you need is a sheet of glass and black foam card. sunlight and tap water.
Stencils – Made by Sunlight Stencils..

Sunlight Stencil sheets

These are pre-coated mesh sheets in a range of sizes and mesh counts. 
Eliminates the need for emulsions, coating equipment, takes the hassle out of prepping your screens/mesh ready for exposure.
Expose your designs onto these sheets using either sunlight or a UV light source

Available pre-coated in blue or green:

Blue Sunlight Stencil sheet 

  • Use for a wide range of plastisol, water based and solvent based inks
  • Outstanding resistance 
  • Excellent burning imaging properties
  • High definition for holding larger half tones (43T will hold 30 lines per inch, 55T will hold 36 lines per inch, 77T will hold 52 lines per inch)
  • 4 minutes exposing time (in sunlight)
  • 6 mins in overcast
  • 3 mins in uv lightbox

Red Sunlight Stencil sheet Myos 280 compatible

  • Ideal for the novice printer as this sheet is more forgiving when exposing
  • Use for plastisol and water based inks
  • High definition for holding half tones
  • 30 seconds exposing time (in sunlight)
  • 2 mins in overcast
  • 30 seconds in uv light box 

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