Screen printing with Sunlight Stencils.
Welcome to Screen Printing Supplies UK the Home of Sunlight Stencils with screen print supplies to suite every one.
*Made by old school experts for the new, innovative artist* Gallery
Thank you for choosing the home of Sunlight Stencils.
Your fastest, easiest and most affordable method of silk screen printing in the UK.
Our stencils are made in the UK and the only manufacturer in the world to supply them in a wide range of mesh counts.
Your home for screen printing supplies.
Having worked in the silk screen printing industry for over 49 years,
we are now proud to offer you a stencil that can be exposed using sunlight and water.
Develop using water, in sunlight, or all year round using our small, affordable UV led exposure unit.
Choose from a range of products for use in various methods of craft and screen printing.
From Pre-coated Stencils and Custom made Stencils for you, to Aluminum screens, wooden squeegees and Inks.
You’ll find what you need right here.
For more info on the features of the Sunlight Stencil,
Step by step guide links:
Creating your Sunlight Stencil and Framing your Sunlight Stencil
DIY Custom made stencils on a shoe string budget
what you will need to make stencils day or night.
>.Any picture frame glass as long as it bigger than your artwork.
>A piece of hardboard same size as your picture frame glass
>A piece of black foam or rubber matt same size as the glass
>8 bulldog clips.
>1 uv exposure bulb e27 ( house hold table lamp e27 lamp fitting ).
Your exposure unit is now ready to burn images on to your stencil sheets.
Design your images on a computer and print them onto clear film using phot black only . Make sure they are 1200 dpi set before you print them.
You can also hand draw your designs on to film (ink jet or laser film) using our opaque pens.
Do not open the stencil sheets , only when your ready to use them.
( Open them in subdued light, ie close the curtains.)
When you are ready.
a).Place hardboard flat on table
b).place back foam/rubber on hardboard.
c).place stencil sheet on black rubber.
d).place film with design on to stencil.
e).place glass onto film design. sandwich all together and clip the sides with bulldog clips
f).place and set uv lamp 8” above the glass.
g).Switch uv light on. Time it for 30 seconds then switch off.
h).unclip bulldog clips, take glass and film away.
i).place stencil sheet in bowl of water for 2 mins. ( now you can open the curtains.)
j).Use EXFOLIATING sponge ,rub both sides of the stencil sheet until the image is clear.
k).peg stencil sheet to dry. When dry it is ready to use.
Make your stencils day or night. print on to fabric. wood. card, plastic, metal, vinyl, ceramics, clay, glass.
Flat shapes, round shapes, uneven shapes.
The designers, designer kit. A4 Red Stencil Mega Kit. Make screen printing simple
Sunlight Stencils are the future. Join us on this journey. GalleryD
Sunlight stencils your home for Screen printing supplies UK. Alluminum screens in all mesh counts and sizes screen and squeegee kits, silkscreen printing inks 200ml,stencil films ,pre coated screens that cn be exposed using sunlight. led UV exposure units. washout booths, Stainless steel dip tanks. Ink jet film specially developed for creating film is the number1 screen print supply shop.
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